This is the EdTech Austria Team: Project Manager Magdalena Gärtner
For a little more than three years, EdTech Austria has been around. We have achieved a lot: 160 members, numerous network meetings, three summits, initiated several projects such as the innovation lab Inter-Di-Ko, and much more. The team is also growing. And we want to introduce you to the people behind all the work.
Do you know Magdalena Gärtner yet?
For Magdalena, the combination of education and technology is the key to a world where opportunities are diverse and learning is possible throughout life. The project manager studied communication and discovered her particular interest in how people communicate with and about technology. Being curious, she decided to take a closer look at this interaction. She completed her master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction and conducted research in this field before deciding to focus on educational technologies. When Magdalena is not exploring the Mushroom Kingdom of Super Mario, you can find her in nature, exploring the Salzburg region with her dog.

What is your name?
Magdalena Gärtner (Those who know me personally can call me Magda 😉)
How long have you been with EdTech Austria?
Since March 2024
Describe yourself in three words:
Optimistic, curious, and thoughtful
Your motto?
The head is round so that thinking can change direction. (after Francis Picabia)
Why are you committed to education in general and digital education in particular?
Education is one of the essential keys to a self-determined, free life. For me, education takes place on many levels, not just in a school context but also in everyday life, through media, in exchange with others, and when we use technology. All of this educates and shapes us. In the age of digitalization and as people living in a knowledge society, only education can ensure inclusive access to this society. In the 21st century, life without technology is unimaginable, and those who cannot handle technology lose the ability to act and decide freely. Therefore, it is so important not only to use technology to convey educational content but also to teach people a conscious and competent use of technology itself.
How do you prefer to learn?
I usually start by reading or watching something. Then I try to express what I have just learned in my own words by writing it down, sketching it, or saying it out loud. If I want to push myself, I also walk around while reading and talking. I also find it quite useful to explain to someone else what I am currently working on.
How do you think schools will look in 20 years?
This is not an easy question because what I think they will look like and how I wish they would look are two different visions. But wishes can come true, and then the “school in 20 years” is an “i3-school” that prepares young people inclusively, individually, and inspired for life in the best possible way. Therefore, it equips them not only with knowledge but also with skills that enable them to fully participate in society, regardless of their starting point in life.
Your first experience with digital educational technologies that you can remember?
I would say my first Nintendo console with Tetris, Lolo, and Mario games. I believe that games, especially digital games, teach children many useful and creative skills, from good storytelling to the ability to solve puzzles, motor skills, frustration tolerance, team spirit, and much more. Otherwise, definitely the computer, especially as access to the World Wide Web.
How can people best reach you?
I love the written word! So I look forward to both short and long texts.
What would you like to learn?
Every day I realize anew that there is much more I don’t know than I do know, and I feel like I am constantly learning and discovering something new. In a very classic sense, I would like to learn carving because I love wood, and it is a balance to my daily mental work.
How to reach Magdalena:
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