About Us

Why EdTech

In a highly digitized world, the use of new technologies in education and training is still lagging behind. Educational institutions as well as parents and companies are not – and this was ruthlessly exposed by the Corona crisis – sufficiently familiar with digital possibilities. There is already a wide range of offerings that support learning: from the vividness of a VR world, to artificial intelligence that guides through learning programs, to playful approaches (gamification), as well as various combinations. So-called EdTech companies develop offerings that support learning. With EdTech Austria, we bring EdTechs, users and research institutions together.

Our vision

People should be at the centre as learning individuals and be able to develop their individual potential through access to high-quality education. Austria will be a leader in the development and use of digital education technologies and contribute to building a global knowledge society.


EdTech Austria

Project Management

Julia Turrell, Innovation Salzburg



Magdalena Gärtner, Innovation Salzburg

Eva Nittmann, Innovation Salzburg

Marlene Dietrich-Gsenger, Innovation Salzburg (on maternity leave)


Advisory board

Martin Ebner, Leiter Lehr- und Lerntechnologien, Technische Universität Graz

Anna Iarotska, Gründerin und CEO, Robo Wunderkind

Jörg Hofstätter, ovos

Iris Rauskala, Leiterin der Präsidialsektion, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung

Barbara Zuliani, Institut Medienbildung, Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz

Join EdTech Austria as a member now!

As members, we only accept companies and providers that are located in the EdTech sector and have an office based in Austria. If you do not belong to this category and would like to cooperate with us, e.g. as a user, research institution or from another field, please use our contact form.

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